Single House Crowdfunding for Everyone, Invest Easier with Less Risk.

AZ Training Workshop (Fix & Flip Property Investing): Reserve My Seat Here!
WHEN: Thursday, April 9th, 2020
TIME: 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
WHERE: 3707 E Southern Ave., Mesa, AZ 85206 (Map Here , Google Map)

Stop Giving Away Your Money & Invest Directly in Real Deals

Stop investing $1000’s in Educational seminars, and instead invest directly in Real Deals with friends and Family. Make yourself rich instead of a seminar company!

Get Matched With Trusted Expert Partners

Trusted Expert Operators (Pro-Flippers) become your EQUITY partner in each deal. It’s a unicorn hunt to find them, so BlockBuyer found them for you to increase success, reduce risk & stress.

Low Fees, $500 investment Min, Get paid First!

BlockBuyer turned typical contracts upside down, eliminated management fees, reduced minimum investment barrier, and ensured YOU GET PAID FIRST (before your Trusted Expert Partner).

Platform release! Get trained on how to use the website for Crowdfunding with others.
Reserve My Seat Sign UP Now!

Become a First Time Insider:

  • Think you found a REAL Fix & Flip Deal?
  • Deals with the MOST profit potential are NOT on the MLS (those are leftovers that insiders didn’t want).
  • Only insiders with connections get the Best Deals. BlockBuyer is your insider platform.
  • We are “Releasing” it for you to use…. It’s yours.
  • BlockBuyer is never “In the deal”, nor a middleman. Enjoy!

INDUSTRY PROBLEM: Fix & Flips look easy, but is very hard without ALL of the following:

MONEY Enough money to do it alone or trying to raise money from family/friends.
DEALS Finding good deals takes A LOT of time and effort, and evaluating them is harder.
EXPERIENCE Who to hire, managing contractors, drafting agreements, what repairs to make and which to avoid.
TIME Time to do everything (at least everything to be PROFITABLE).
RISK Reducing risk takes time, experience, and knowing how to navigate landmines.
PROFIT Everyone says they are investors, but very few make money and thus are out of the game after their first deal.

THE SOLUTION: BlockBuyer’s Platform helps you be a successful investor and reduces risk:

MONEY MONEY You only need $500 Min per deal. The crowd will fund the rest with you!
DEALS Real deals with great profit margins are already on the platform.
EXPERIENCE You select a Trusted Expert Partner, who also invest with you as EQUITY partners, not a hired contractor with no skin in the game.
TIME No need to take 1-2 weeks of vacation to try to find ONE deal, they are already found! Quickly, review each deal, it’s rehab budget and descriptions, preferred return or profit share, and invest with other inside investors.
RISK You have a Real Deal, a Trusted Expert Partner, full Transparency on the deal, a line item of the rehab budget, and constant video/image/status updates from the Operator during rehab. You can ask the Operator questions and concerns during the project anytime. Operators can even be replaced the same day if something goes wrong…. Yes, we tried to think of everything.
PROFIT Crowd Investors are paid FIRST, before your Trusted Expert Partner Operator. Enough margin is built in from the beginning to anticipate most issues and expenses.
BlockBuyer’s Mission:

BlockBuyer’s CrowdFunding Platform built in every possible way to ensure crowd investors make money, that is our passion and mission. We have seen it all, and attempted to combat the 1068 ways people get taken advantage of in real estate investing.

At the Training Event, You’ll:
  • Be the first in the nation to get an activation account code
  • Get trained on how to use the platform with Demo $ and Demo Deals
  • Get a “Founders Insider Circle Badge” (Special free stuff, site tools, and events)
  • Receive deals, opportunities, and insider access before others do
  • Get access to off market properties (Real Deals) that are under contract already.
  • Find out who the Trusted Experts are, and meet some of them.
  • Invite friends and family to invest with you in single house flips.
  • Be the first to access Fix & Rent deals (Coming Soon)
  • Meet others who want an advantage over others in real estate investing.
Crowdfunding Investors Will Learn
  1. Crowdfunding real estate is for Everyone: Finally, not just the ultra wealthy profit from investment deals.
  2. Find Expert Partners, not Contractors: Choose your own highly experienced Operator and rehab team.
  3. Get Paid First, Before Your Expert Partner: You get paid profit first, before your Operator does, they may even escrow your profits upfront.
  4. Easy In, Easy Out: Easily cancel your investment up to 48 hours before the escrow starts.
  5. Transparent Rehab Budgets: Each deal has a description and cost for necessary repairs.
  6. Upfront Contracts: Receive a preferred return (7% to 20%) or profit share on the sale.
  7. Asset Security: Your ownership is secured by the property, not a loan agreement.
  8. Invite Friends & Family: Finally, an easy and organized way to invest together with confidence and trust.
  9. Super Low Fees: No attorney fees, no management fees, no hidden fees, only 1% of your investment ($10 per $1,000 invested).
  10. Live Project Updates: Stay in the loop with before and after pictures, video updates, and ongoing status messages during the rehab process.
  11. Low Investment Limits: Invest as low as $500, and up to $10,000 per deal.
  12. Quick Refunds If Title Issues Arise: 100% money back if the deal doesn’t finalize in the title/escrow process.

Do you currently have a business Flipping Homes? If so, we call you “Operators”, because you Operate the Project.

Operators will Learn:
  1. Get Started: Learn how to IMMEDIATELY get started crowdfunding properties.
  2. Direct Access to Off Market & Wholesale Properties: Direct pipeline to banks portfolios, wholesalers, and backend access (Offered to Early Adopter Operators –by Invitation Only!).
  3. Legally Promote Your Deals: Promote properties to raise money for Fix & Flip deals LEGALLY
  4. Low Out-of-Pocket: Learn how money you’ll need to start a crowdfunding project, and calculate expected return.
  5. Low Cost Money: Learn how much can you raise per deal, factoring in cost and terms.
  6. Fast Funding: Learn how to raise capital quickly and do more deals.
  7. SEC Compliance: Learn what crowdfunding is, and how your business automatically becomes legal and SEC compliant.
  8. Wholesale Tools: Streamline your process, reduce tasks, reduce overhead, close more prospect sellers, reduce time from contract to rehab start.
  9. Easy Process: See real example deals to see the
  10. Request to be an Operator at the seminar, and get your deals Crowd-FUNDED!

You’re passionate about real estate and
now have an organized tool to confidently share your passion with friends and family.

First time platform release! Get trained on how to use the website for Crowdfunding with others.
Reserve My Seat Sign UP Now!


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